Technical education the academic and professional preparation of students for jobs involving applied sciences and modern technology. Technical education emphasizes the understanding and practical application of the basic principles of science and mathematics, rather than the acquisition of manual skills which are strictly speaking vocational education.
Education aims to prepare graduates for occupations that are classified above skilled occupations but below scientific or engineering occupations. The people thus employed are often called technicians. Technical education is distinct from vocational education, which places more emphasis on the theories, understanding and principles of a large number of subjects designed to enable the graduate to practice with authority in areas such as science.
Engineering, or Law. Technical occupations are essential in a wide range of fields, including agriculture, business administration, computing and data processing, education, environmental management of iron and resources, graphic arts and construction. industrial design, health and medicine; technical education programs are therefore specialized in a wide range. Technical education is typically offered in post-secondary programs that last two years, are not designed to lead to a bachelor’s degree, and are offered in a wide variety of institutions, such as technical institutes, colleges, vocational schools and teacher training colleges and universities.
Technical and vocational education and training
Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) is the process of developing the skills of a country’s industrial workforce. Nowadays, it is recognized as a powerful means of national development and individual improvement. This program facilitates the production of powerful human resources, system leaders, educators and planners. Vocational training, on the other hand, refers to low-level education and training to prepare skilled and semi-skilled workers for various occupations, which is comparable to general education. TVET uses formal, informal and non-formal learning.
The aim was to finance TVET systems by increasing contributions from beneficiaries, including employers and trainees. TVET aims to ensure that the learning needs of all young people and adults are met through equal access to appropriate learning and life skills programs. Graduates of this program will explore and interpret the interplay between social institutions, rules and resources, work and employment, and TVET. They will be competent educators, innovators, leaders and managers of TVET institutions / programs. They will have mastery of the economic and financial analysis of work and professions and of TVET.
Familiarize yourself with the different theories, concepts and ideas that have been developed and see TVET processes in terms of theories and ideas. Become able to design, conduct, manage and evaluate research, perform mentoring and professional development, as well as understand, design, implement and monitor the quality assurance process. A wide range of diverse careers of TVET providers in research institutes, government and developed organizations, businesses and industries, an independent TVET research firm, mentoring and professional support have increased the reach of This
1. Technical education linked with the world of machines. Modernity of a country is today measured by the quantum and quantity of machines.
2. In a wider sense technical education means imparting training in trade or craft.
3. Also, European countries were the first to grasp the urgency and necessity of technical education.
4. Popularity of technical education is due to rapid industrialization and growing unemployment among people with arts education.
5. Demand of technical personnel by Arab countries.
6. Technical education has come to stay. It symbolizes our march towards a better future.
Technical education has come to be linked increasingly with the world of machines. Hence, at the very outset, a world about the pervasive influence of machines would not be out of place. So, Machines have now become a part and parcel of our daily life. Our system of transport, communications, business, production, industry and also, warfare has become mechanized.
Standard of progress prosperity
The world communities are competing with one another to gather the fruits of science and technology. In fact, the quantum of machines has become the standard by which the progress and prosperity or otherwise of a country has come to be judged.
Self Evidence
Hence the need and importance of technical education becomes self-evidence. Society must provide for its material exitance and for the running of its machines. There are also hundreds of vocational institutes throughout the world. These institutes are preparing young men and women for a variety of trades and crafts.
Examples of Technical Education
For example, woodwork, embroidery, doll making, wicker work, and dress designing. Perhaps we can form a clearer idea of its scope and aim if we contrast it with education in humanities where the stress is on language, literature, history and philosophy.
European nations particularly Germany, France, and England, were among the first to realize the great advantage of technical education.
Commercial competition
Industry spread rapidly and gave rise to keen commercial competition. The reputation of a manufacturing country came to depend on quality and also, on effectiveness of its machines. Also, The need for qualified technical hands was felt most acutely. The older system could not keep up with changed conditions and atmosphere of life.
Sensitive machines
Science and technology have, to marked degree, transformed our way of life. Sensitive machines scan patients and diagnose symptoms of complicated diseases in modern hospitals. Audio visual aids assist students in supplementing their work in institutions all over the world.
Sources of entertainment
A large part of the entertainment is provided by the television and cinema. Also, the radio, the printing press provides us the books which help us in understanding the world in which we live. Our home is not well without refrigerators and air conditioners. In the world thousands of machines are working to meet our demands.
Demand of technical personnel
Another factor which in recent years has increases the importance of technical education is the growing demand of technical personnel. Hardly a day passes when the national newspapers are without an advertisement offering overseas employment. The jobs are attractive, and are for young men that is why young men not waste time and applying for them.
Over the last five years thousands of technical hands have left their homes and serve as a civil engineer, concrete technologist, system analyst, welders, fitters and masons. This factor has speedup the establishment of polytechnics.
Technical education has now come to stay. It has already done much good and it will hope still do better in future. It will help us to make the bright future of the world. Technology has become more and more in human. What we need today, is technology with a human face.
Many technical education students have started their own small businesses or businesses and have been successful in providing employment opportunities to other educated hands. you just want to try it. Benefits of Technical Education Students at an international school in Abu Dhabi, Singapore, Malaysia, and other major cities around the world must make career decisions before the end of their final year of high school. It sounds very young, but kids usually know their talents and strengths by this time.
Many technical education students choose a job while others choose to attend international technical colleges such as Caltech, MIT, etc. mainly due to the shorter duration of the technical courses. They also give students the added benefit of joining a workforce directly in the stream of their choice. In the fierce competition and bitter struggle of today, general education is unfortunately insufficient to ensure man’s subsistence.
The number of men who have received general training is legion and all the different departments in which these men can be taught are literally crowded. The problem of unemployment is becoming more acute and acute with each passing day and unrest and discontent is gaining ground each day.