If you are a parent, do you want to give your children the best gift of confidence in the world? Fear of disappointment. This fear can keep him from doing unique and difficult tasks throughout his life and can be the biggest obstacle to building a successful career with self confidence.
“The real enemies of confidence are discouragement and fear,” says Carl Pickhardt. “Parents should always try to encourage and help their children to do difficult things. Try, experts say, if parents are to educate their children well and make them confident children, they must follow these 17 points. Children are a difficult, patient and difficult process. Although children are a gift of nature, they are the greatest test for parents in world. This responsibility becomes a pleasant and exciting feeling when parents follow the proper guidelines and instructions:
1: Appreciate your children’s every effort
Remember that traveling from one destination to another is more important when children are older. Pick Hard says that if your child kills a valuable target or makes a serious mistake to win the team, their efforts are to teach them that they should never be ashamed to try, because “a job Constant striving builds self-confidence to do better than temporarily doing good in life. “
2: Encourage regular exercise to improve your skills
Encourage your children to do whatever they want. Attention however, not to force them too much (this is very difficult because it is very important that parents respect the discipline). Harmony Show, which specializes in the piano, said in an interview that he had com started playing the piano when he was only 3 years old. Training is about trying with confidence and hoping things get better.
3: See for yourself
If you work hard for your child, he will never have the skills and the confidence to solve problems on his own. Parental support can deprive them of the confidence they have to work on their own. That is, it is better for your child to take B and C grades instead of A, while learning to problem solve and work on his own.
4: Let children behave according to age
Do not expect your children to behave like adults. Do not make children believe that it is better to act like parents and adults, this unrealistic behavior can discourage efforts. young children’s expectations can affect their confidence. I remember once a father approached me and told me that I wanted me to teach my children so that they could speak with your confidence. I asked, “How old is your son? He answered me 7 years. I was amazed by the father’s desire to see the difference between my age and the age of the child. expectations
5: Encourage curious children
Sometimes a series of frustrating questions from a child can be very frustrating, but it should be encouraged. Harvard University Paul Harris told The Guardian that asking questions is a useful exercise in a child’s development because it means that he understands “that there is a lot that he doesn’t know. In The Guardian, when children start to learn, children in families are encouraged to ask interesting questions, The rest of the peers are superior to what they have already practiced to get information from parents and apply it more to obtain parents’ information. In other words, they learn better and faster.
6: Offer a New Challenge
Show your children how to set small goals and accomplish them to achieve big accomplishments. For example, riding a bicycle without support wheels for small children. Parents build their children’s confidence by increasing their responsibilities.
7: No shortcuts for the children
Special parental consent for children can make them less self-confident. Sometimes too much parental comfort becomes a test for children. (A practical example of this is staying up late on vacation, leaving school for no reason)
8: No Criticize on their Performance
The biggest reason for your child’s insecurity is to criticize your child’s efforts. It is good to give useful ideas and suggestions. But never tell them they are doing something wrong. Remember that if your child fears failure because he or she worries that you will get angry or frustrated, he or she will never try anything new. Much of parental criticism is damaging to their self-esteem and self-confidence.
9: Recognize mistakes as a basic step in learning
Learning from mistakes build some confidence. It happens when you see the opportunity to learn from mistakes as a parent, and move forward. Let your children gaze at the sun of the world. Don’t protect him from everything. Let him try, and help him figure out how he can do better next time.
10: Open the door to experiences
Carl Pickhardt said that “it is your responsibility as a parent to introduce your child to the different aspects and experiences of life so that the child can gain the confidence to work in the larger world.” Introducing them to new things teaches them that something is scary or different, they can overcome it. “
11: Teach Children What You Can Do
Parents are the first heroes for their children. At least until adulthood. Use that power to teach them what you know about thinking, and acting. Set a good example for children, and be a role model. Carl says that seeing you succeed will help your child become more confident that he or she can do the same.
12: Don’t talk to kids when you’re worried about them
Most parental concerns about their children can lead to mistrust. Showing parental trust gives a new impetus to a child’s confidence.
13: Commend your children, when they are having problems
Life is hard, and every child has to learn at the same time that when they face difficulties, parents should tell them that by enduring these challenges, the maturity of mind How to increase it? Parents need to convince their children that all paths to success are fraught with failures.
14: Offer your help and support, to a limited extent
Too much help too quickly can reduce a child’s ability to identify themselves. Parental support can boost a child’s self-confidence.
15: Appreciate their courage in doing new things
Whether going on a basketball team or on a first roller coaster, parents should appreciate trying something new for their child. You can also praise them with the words, “You are the best and dare to do it.” Encourage children to always be active in new things.
16: Celebrate the Joy of Learning
Children look to their parents to see how things are moving. So, if you are excited about learning to swim, or speaking a new language, they will be even more excited about these things because you are interested in them. Learning is hard work so build children’s confidence to learn more, enjoy their learning efforts and readiness.
17: Be in fear of your children, but do not force or coerce them
When parents are too strict with their children, it can endanger their children’s self-esteem. When you are firm in everything, your children will avoid doing bold things.
18: T and the views of the children must be taken into account in the decision
All parents make decisions for the benefit and good of their children, but what good is it if those decisions include the children’s participation in ideas and decisions?? This has a positive effect on children’s confidence and character.
19: Do not compare the achievements of each child with others
Parents should make every effort to take care of their child’s individuality, uniqueness and worth in all aspects because each child is unique mentally, physically and mentally. of other children. Each child has tendencies, abilities, talents and intellectual abilities to learn. In this regard, Multiple Intelligence Theory leads us that comparisons of children are not appropriate.
20: Do not put the burden of your hope on the shoulders of a weak child
Most parents force their children to fulfill unfulfilled dreams in their lives. Give children confidence in their purpose in life. Always remember that children should not be with us for the rest of their lives. They have to make decisions about their own lives. Let them know this responsibility at an early age.