Depression is when everything feels too difficult. Also, Depression is when you feel so bad that the things you used to enjoy no longer have the same joy, wellbeing, mental health, and services: items related to the mental Health, Personal Stories, the Big Picture Clinical depression is a serious condition that negatively affects a person’s thinking, feeling, and behavior.
Unlike normal sadness, clinical depression is persistent and often interferes with a person’s ability. It experience or anticipate pleasure and severely interfere with the functioning of daily life. If improperly treated, depression can lead to significant aggravation, anxiety other health problems and, in rare cases, suicide.
A person is diagnosed with major depression if at least two of the listed symptoms appear for two consecutive weeks. At least one of the five symptoms must be depressed mood or (2) loss of interest or pleasure.
Symptoms include: ·
Depressed mood, Dissatisfied face for most of the day, almost every day ·
Significantly decreased interest in or enjoyment of activities for most of the day, almost every day ·
Changeling appetite, which leads to unrelated weight gain or loss ·
changes in sleep patterns ·
loss of energy or increased tiredness ·
restlessness or irritability ·
feelings of anxiety ·
feelings of worthlessness,
helplessness or hopelessness ·
Inappropriate behavior ·
Difficulty thinking,
concentrating, or making decisions ·
Diagnosis of Depression
The first step in diagnosis is visiting a doctor for a medical evaluation. Certain medications and some conditions like thyroid disease can cause symptoms similar to it. A doctor can rule out these possibilities by performing a physical exam, interview, and laboratory tests. If the doctor eliminates a disease as the cause, he can provide treatment or refer the patient to a psychologist. Once diagnosed, a person with it can be treat using a variety of methods. The mainstays in the treatment of depression are a number of antidepressants. Also, psychotherapy, which can also be used in combination. For treatment-resistant major depression, studies have been conducted that show that deep brain stimulation may be an option.
More in women than men
State of Depression
It is twice as common in women as it is in men. Approximately 20 percent of women will experience at least one episode of its in their lifetime. Scientists are studying many possible causes and factors that contribute to an increased risk of slowdown in women. Biological factors, life cycle factors Unique hormonal and psychosocial factors in women may be related to higher rates of its in women. For example, researchers have shown that hormones affect brain chemistry and affect emotions and mood. They experience depression sorrows with the same frequency.
In adolescence, however, girls are more likely to experience sorrows than boys. Research points to several possible reasons for this imbalance. The biological and hormonal changes that occur during puberty likely contribute to the sharp rise in slowdown rates in boys. Research has also shown that girls continue to feel bad more often than boys. This is after experiencing it difficult situations or events suggesting you may be more prone to it.
Women are particularly vulnerable to depression after childbirth, when hormonal and physical changes and the new responsibility for caring for a newborn can be overwhelming. Many new mothers experience a brief episode of mild mood swings known as “baby blues”. These symptoms usually go away by the 10th day. PPD takes much longer than 10 days and can continue months after delivery.
Acute postpartum sorrows is a much more serious condition that requires active treatment and emotional support from the new mother. Some studies suggest that women with postpartum depression often had previous depressive episodes. Other factors, such as changes in the brain or body, can play a role. For example, older adults may have restricted blood flow, a condition known as ischemia. Over time, the blood vessels become less flexible. They can become hard and prevent blood from flowing normally to organs in the body, including the brain. In this case, an older adult without personal or familial depression may develop something called vascular depression.
People with vascular depression can also be at risk for concomitant cardiovascular diseases such as heart disease or stroke. Improving Treatment Researchers are looking for ways to better understand, diagnose, and treat depression in all groups of people. Studying strategies to personalize the treatment of depression, e.g., Identifying the characteristics of the person that predict which treatments are most likely to work is an important goal.
How to Treat Depression
The first attempts to define depression as a biologically based disease were based on the theory of “chemical imbalances” in the brain. It is assuming that the brain contains too many or too few essential signal-transmitting chemicals (neurotransmitters). The idea came in handy: the brain is a kind of chemical soup that may have too much dopamine or too little serotonin in it. Now it is replacing by a much more nuanced understanding of how the brain works.
All current antidepressants were developed around the time when chemical soup theory was all the rage. Now many researchers are trying to better understand the brain biology underlying the symptoms of depression in order to find new therapies. This website provides more detailed ideas for new treatments for depression. Efforts to create new classes of antidepressants based on novels. A docking port in brain cells called the mu-opioid receptor is at the center of such an effort.
Other efforts focus not on the serotonin pathway, as current “SSRI” drugs like Prozac do, but on a different pathway, that of another important neurotransmitter called glutamate. A previously hidden area of the brain, the lateral habenula, can implicate in the pathology of depression in some cases due to glutamate hyperactivity.
An other Research
Other researchers have worked on the idea that drugs that can mimic biochemical and biological factors that make certain people resistant to factors such as severe or chronic stress could have a future in the treatment of depression. It has been shown in preliminary studies to help reduce postpartum depression. Other researchers have studied the ability to help women withstand depression in the perinatal period.
Through hormonal treatments, or in other work through treatments that target the maternal immune system and may be involved in a subset of postpartum depression. Research has begun as to whether giving certain strains of bacteria to people who are depressed can boost their immune systems and help reduce symptoms of depression. Attempting to relieve depression through diet changes (e.g., a Mediterranean diet, in a recent study) or omega-3 supplements (“fish oil”) is the subject of another.
Another avenue that may lead to better results in the future is bright light therapy, which was first used to help people with seasonal affective disorders. It can have wider uses. It is also important to consider recipient research, which has suggested the ability of brief talk therapy to relieve depression in mothers with severe depression while also helping their children. Best when it comes to the mother’s relationship with her child, the research found.
A 55-year-old man and wife
A 55-year-old man was suffering from depression, his wife met a psychologist, the wife said my husband is in severe depression, please help. The doctor began his consultation, asked some personal questions and asked his wife to sit outside
“I’m very worried, I’m overwhelmed with worries, job stress, children’s education and job stress, home loan, car loan, I don’t like anything, the world thinks I’m crazy but I don’t have as much stuff as a Bullets in the cartridge, I’m so sad and upset.
Saying this, he opened the book of his whole life in front of the doctor.
Then the doctor thought something and asked in which school did you study 10th class?
The man told him the name of the school, the doctor said you have to go to this school then from your school you have to find your tenth class register and find the names of your peers and information about their current well-being. Have to try to get.
Write all the information in a diary and see me a month later.
The man went to his school, managed to find the register, and got it copied, it had 120 names, he tried day and night in a month but he barely managed to gather information about 75 classmates.
Of these, 20 were dead, 7 were runaways and 13 were divorced, 10 turned out to be unable to speak, 5 turned out to be so poor that no one could answer them, 6 turned out to be so rich that, he was sure. Didn’t come, some had cancer, some had paralysis, diabetes, asthma or heart disease, some had been bedridden with injuries to their hands / legs or spinal cord, some had children gone crazy, homeless or useless, Was in a prison. One man was looking for a third marriage after two divorces.
Within a month, the tenth-grade registrar was describing the ordeal.
The doctor asked, “Now tell me, how is your depression?”
The man understood that he did not have any mental illness, he was not hungry, his mind was right, he had no problem with the court, police, lawyers, his wife and children are very good and healthy, he himself is healthy. . This person realized that there really is a lot of suffering in the world, and he is safe from a lot of painful suffering.
Get out of the habit of peeking into other people’s plates, eat your plate with love. Do not compare yourself with others. And yet if you think you are depressed then you should go to your school too, bring the tenth-grade register….