How to Use Articles (a/an/the) in English Grammar

Articles are a, an, and the. A and An are indefinite articles. The is definite article. We use article ‘The’ before the names of Rivers and mountains etc.
How to Use Articles

Articles are a, an, and the. A and An are indefinite articles. The is definite article. We use article ‘The’ before the names of Rivers and mountains etc.


Uses of these two articles a and an.

Countable nouns

The things we can count take “a” or “an” in the singular form. “A” and “an” are the indefinite articles.

Use of “a” before a consonant as “a child “as” a university” “a European” as” a one-sided game”.

Uncountable nouns

Articles use in uncountable noun as…….

The things we can not count may not take the indefinite article. That is why such nouns do not have any plural form:

Coffee, ink, paper.

The indefinite article has two kinds of plurals:

1-The general plural. No word is used to denote this kind of plural.


A cow- cows are animals.

2- plural used for small numbers or quantity. The word is “some” which changes to “any” in the negative sentences and sometimes in the interrogative sentences also.

 (“Some” is also used before uncountable nouns to convey the idea of a small number or indefinite quantity.)

The child wants some bread to eat.


Definite article the is used before:

  1. A noun that has already been mentioned or that is already known to us;
  2. Noun we think the speaker has in mind;
  3. A noun representing a whole class;
  4. Names of ranges of mountains rivers gulfs seas and oceans and;
  5. Superlatives.
  • Did you see the review?
  • Could you please meet me at the airport?
  • The lion is the king of animals.

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