Psychotherapy: Role of psychotherapy for mental disorders

“Psychotherapy” is a medical term, in which various mental illnesses are treated through oral and psychological technologies. During this process, an experienced and trained psychologist (psychotherapist) helps the patient to overcome any particular mental illness or stress in the patient’s life and depression. The choice of technologies and methods used during therapy depends on the physician’s experience and perspective.

 “Psychotherapy” is a medical term, in which various mental illnesses are treated through oral and psychological technologies. During this process, an experienced and trained psychologist (psychotherapist) helps the patient to overcome any particular mental illness or stress in the patient’s life and depression. The choice of technologies and methods used during therapy depends on the physician’s experience and perspective. 

However, in all forms of psychotherapy, the thoughts and conditions born in the heart and mind are dealt with through the cooperation and communication of the physician and the patient.

Why is psycho therapy important?

According to medical experts, psychotherapy is not a normal conversation, but it is a scientific process in which psychotherapist establishes a safe, helpful and confidential environment for the patient, so that the patient can speak openly about the realities of his life in this friendly environment. During mental illness, many people feel afraid to share their feelings with anyone, it is difficult for them to share their feelings with relatives or friends. In such a case, an exchange with a psycho therapist leads to positive results.

 The results of a research on psychotherapy show that the role of psychotherapy to eliminate mental disorders is as effective as medicine, and through this a long and positive change is ensured in the patient’s psychological conditions. In this study, patients were divided into two groups to find out the importance of psychotherapy, one group patients were given psychotherapy while the other was not, and when some time both groups were confronted, it proved that the psychotherapy group was not only psychotherapy but also physically healthy, compared to the group whose treatment did not include psychotherapy.

Who do psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy is unique, but different psychologists use it regularly during the patient’s treatment. These trained experts include clinical psychologist, psychologist, counselor, marriage and family therapist, social worker, mental health counselor and psychologist.

 Mental illness

Psychotherapy helps to know the patient’s mental illness.

1.  During this therapy, the physician tries to understand the patient’s feelings, attitudes and thoughts, which cause mental illness. After being aware of them, the procedure is searched for them.

2.  Also, During this time, these problems and events involved in life are identified as causing mental illness for the patient, such as the death of someone in the family, the completion of employment, divorce etc. After diagnosis, psychologist suggest a treatment for the patient based on their ability, skills and experience that can help solve problems and improve the patient’s life.

3.  The patient is treated on this method to achieve happiness and comfort.

4.  Moreover, The patient is taught techniques related to dealing with the disease and combating problems.

 Types of psychotherapy

This therapy can be provided to the patient in different forms, such as

1. Individual:

This type of psychotherapy involves only the patient and the physician.

2. Group:

In this type, two or more patients are added at the same time, and in the meantime, all the patients share their experiences with each other and try to learn how to cope with the same type of problems and feel.

3. Marital/couples:

This type of therapy helps the patient’s children or spouse to know and understand the factors that lead to the patient’s mental disorder. It is said in the conversation that the mental condition can be improved through the behavior and emotions and what will be the role of marital relationship while dealing with the entire situation. In the meantime, a couple is given the opportunity to root out the problems in their relationship.

4. Family:

Since the role of family or family is very important in improving the mental health of any person, in one type of psychotherapy, family members are also included who are told that they are facing difficulties and what are the procedures which can be done by following them.

Although there are different types of psychotherapy such as individual, family, marital etc. But some also tell about the procedure which is used by psychotherapist or psychologist during therapy. After knowing about the patient’s illness, a therapist decides which procedure will be better for the patient. R of these method includes psychodynamic therapy, interpersonal therapy, cognito behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy etc.

When should I get the services of a psycho therapist?

We usually say somewhere today as mental illness, which is why people usually feel scared to treat their loved ones. On the other hand, patients do not agree to therapy due to unusual thoughts and myths, but it is better to overcome these problems in the beginning.


Psychotherapy can be done for many reasons, such as continuous sadness, anxiety and panic, etc., while others can also do psychotherapy to get rid of such physical diseases that have a bad effect on their mental and psychological health. For example, if you are not adapting to the new environment, do not forget any event or failure, then in such a case, the help of a psycho therapist can be obtained. You have to do all these things yourself because only you can better understand what is causing your mental health and mood problems and when you should help the therapist to deal with it.

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